Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pizza Potpie

I saw this one on the food network. Some restaurant around here does this. It looked fun to make. It is a pizza that is cooked upside down in a bowl.

Pizza dough
slices of mozzarella cheese
pasta sauce (I choose one that has sausage in it)
Basil leafs

First I prepare the bowl by spraying some cooking spray on the inside.

Then I stack the cheese on the bottom of the bowl. On the cheese I added a layer of pepperoni, then 4 or 5 whole mushrooms, more pepperoni then I pour on the sauce. I sprinkled some Parmesan cheese.

This next part, I have no idea what I am doing. I have to make a pizza crust with this pre-made pizza dough. I rip a small chunk of dough and started making a ball. Then I flatten it and try to stretch out the dough as evenly as I can. I used some flour to make it more workable. The crusts I made was very ugly, but it's ok. I am only using them as lids to the bowls.

Bake the bowl at 435 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Pull the bowls out and let it cool for about 10 minutes.

Serve it by putting the bowl upside down on a plate and dump the pizza on the plate.
Easier said then done. I either didn't use enough flour or I didn't grease the edge of the bowls. One of the two crust got stuck. I had to cut it out of the bowl and it didn't look any good. Luckily the other bowl came off easy.

The pizza tasted like a pizza, nothing impressive. I didn't cook this for taste but just thought it would be fun to make pizza this way. In Chicago here I can order a pizza a hundred times better for less than I spend on making this.

There is one big problem with this, the sauce inside got watery and it was more like a tomato soup on a thin crust than anything. So it got messy.

I have to make the sauce thicker. Since it is cooked covered, the sauce didn't have a chance to dry. I would have to use tomato paste instead maybe? Maybe add corn starch? This just didn't turn out that good. Not worth the effort. Maybe I should go to this restaurant to try it.


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