Sunday, March 30, 2008

Catfish with Black Bean Paste

This is one of my favorite dish that my mom makes. I'm adding some heat to it.

a pound and a quarter of catfish nuggets
a couple spoon fulls of black bean and garlic paste
some minced ginger
2 stems of green onions
1 jalapeño pepper

Chop up the green onions and pepper. Toss the green onion, ginger, and jalapeño in a skillet with oil in medium heat and toss it for a few minutes. Add the fish and the black bean paste mix is well so all the fish pieces are covered in sauce. Saute for about 6 to 7 minutes.

This is delicious, it's a bit salty so I served it brown rice and green beans.

Just like home, but with a bit of heat which I think makes it even better. This is awesome and cheap to make too. I'm going to end up making this every week.


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